Biden To Make 'Solidarity' Visit To Israel On Wednesday

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-make-solidarity-visit-israel-wednesday

要简化: 美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯表示,乔·拜登总统计划于周三与约旦一起飞往以色列。此次访问正值中东暴力事件愈演愈烈之际,拜登旨在加强美国对以色列安全的承诺。在这次访问中,拜登打算与以色列协调,解决涉及哈马斯等组织的人质问题;传达在以色列面临持续冲突时利用以色列的风险;接收有关以色列战争目标和防御措施的信息,同时尽量减少平民伤亡,并协助向加沙运送人道主义援助物资。加沙目前的局势引发了人们对人道主义灾难的担忧。虽然拜登议程的细节尚未完全披露,但一些人预计,以色列可能会在拜登访问期间避免有计划的地面入侵。此前,时任副总统拜登也曾批评以色列内政部长伊莱·伊沙伊2010年批准在东耶路撒冷为犹太人增加住房的决定,导致两国关系紧张。作为回应,包括加利福尼亚州的加文·纽瑟姆(D)和马里兰州的小拉里·霍根(R)在内的各州州长也将很快访问以色列,表达他们对犹太国家的支持。



With violence in the Middle East threatening to spiral out of control and US ship movements underway and troop deployments in the preparation stages, President Biden will travel to Israel and Jordan on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Monday night. 

"The President will reaffirm the United States’ solidarity with Israel and our ironclad commitment to its security," said Blinken. "President Biden will again make clear, as he’s done unequivocally since Hamas’s slaughter of more than 1,400 people, including at least 30 Americans, that Israel has the right and indeed the duty to defend its people." 

Blinken's announcement was a product of his marathon meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet in Tel Aviv. Blinken outlined five items on Biden's agenda during his discussions with Israel. Biden seeks to: 

  • Ask Israel what it needs from the United States to defend itself. In recent times, the US government has redistributing more than $3 billion in American wealth to Israel every year. When factoring in income and purchasing power, Israel is the 34th-richest country in the world. 
  • Communicate to both state and non-state actors that they shouldn't seek to take advantage of the crisis to attack Israel. No such public warning about opportunistic attacks was given to Israel, which last week bombed Syria's two main international airports in Damascus and Aleppo.
  • Coordinate on efforts to achieve the release of hostages taken by Hamas. The group claims to have between 200 and 250 hostages, which could include some 20 Americans. On Monday, Hamas released its first hostage video.
  • Receive a briefing on Israel's war objectives and strategies. 
  • Hear how Israel intends to minimize civilian casualties and allow the flow of humanitarian assistance. Gaza is home to more than 2 million people, and the international community is growing increasingly wary of a humanitarian disaster after Israel cut off the territory's food, water, electricity and medicine supply.

Some observers speculate that Israel isn't likely to launch an anticipated ground offensive into Gaza while Biden is in Israel. The specifics of Biden's Israel itinerary have not yet been released. Biden's presence will set the stage for a major Hamas provocation, if the group wants one: Since the Oct 7 attacks, Hamas has demonstrated that Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are within its rocket range. 

When he visited Israel as vice president in 2010, Biden was on the receiving end of a humiliation delivered by a previous Netanyahu government. With Biden still in the country, Netanyahu's interior minister blindsided the Obama administration by announcing the approval of 1,600 more housing units for Jews in hotly-contested East Jerusalem, where many Palestinians aspire to position the capital of a Palestinian state. Biden promptly condemned the announcement as “precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now.”

This week, after Israel, Biden will proceed to Amman, Jordan, for meetings with Jordan's King Abdullah, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. 

Watch for Israel-visits to become a hot trend among attention-seeking US politicians. On the same evening of Biden's announcement, New York Governor Kathy Hochul said she'd be making a visit of her own on Tuesday. “During these difficult times, it’s more important than ever for New York to show up in support of Israel," she said in a statement. "New York will show the world that we stand with Israel – today, tomorrow and forever.”

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